Sunday, May 29, 2011

Angel Oak and sweet grass

Slipping out from the service
my mind busy with wordless
thoughts floating with the sea breeze,
a warm hug of air greets me:
Restless, unsettled and free.

Step by step what I’ve begun,
left, right, or wrong, is soon done.
Walking slowly, seeking shade
from the live oak trees God made,
let the price be paid, come what may.

While the streets are close, the air
and narrow lots kept with care
carry waves of gardenia-
a sweet southern insignia.
Will this be my koinonia?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

You are sleeping in my time zone

You are sleeping in my time zone.
It is such a lovely thought to think:
you are seeing the same sun,
the same moon
at the same time
as me.

You are sleeping in my time zone;
you are within my reach
to imagine the possibility
of seeing you smile--
smiling back
at me.

You are sleeping in my time zone--
matching minute to minute to mine.
It is comforting to know
being present yet apart,
you are tied
to me.