Monday, January 27, 2014

Memory (Triolet)

The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend
- Henri Bergson

The mind is wily in remembrance; storing frozen images of experience
no movie trailers of past events replaying in order, only still life.
Captured as a broken lens would, moments of fractured resemblance,
they should create a resource, but lack clarity and coherence;
they should be useful at reunions and other events of social appearance.
Instead, little carousel slide shows drift willy-nilly across the mind’s eye;
ragged around the edges, in grayscale or sepia tones of diffidence,
they flutter across my closed eyelids, these frozen images of experience.

There is one of me at six or seven sitting upon a pine tree stump just my size
in the warm sun, looking sober and petite, my daddy looking back at me.
We are walking on Little Dry Creek Road pine woods on either side,
between my house and Anna’s, a regular ritual of ours traipsing outside
why does my mind not replay the father-daughter love, the prize
that abides?  A picture not of 1000 words but of sensations of safety,
and comfort, a drug, a shot, a boost of heart, snapshots that bring smiles                   
that touch all the senses and have the power to heal me.

The real work is to rewrite history, to revisit the old fuzzy memories
that haunt or pain the soul and touch them up, color them heroic.
Take back the fears, wash them with courage and print them in a new diary
as happy stories, lessons learned with joy and remembered in giddy reverie.
Let the memories cease their unchanging stillness nor carry sorry worries
into the heart.  Transform the mind, engineer the brain to rage poetic
with brave words, bold thoughts and intrepid plans of adventure and mystery;
newly tattoo the soul with hopeful images; build a new past and love it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

From the back

small well-worn white-soled
sneakers with brown socks

and blue jersey pants
snug with self waistband

gathers stitched in place
by hand with paisley blouse

in oranges and lemons
swirling with curlicues

leading to curly hair
grey; who is this woman?

perhaps unfortunate or
not; concerned with else

she walks with purpose
quiet, un-noticed by most

at the corner she turns,

shrinks; and then she sings

Christmas wish 2013

It approaches again:
tiny thoughts of snow
and breathing brisk air
of snippets of the tender touch
of quick hugs and air kisses
of fuzzy wiggleness
of snug hats and mittens
of visions of children
bustling about
close kitchens and
of papered boxes
then paper and boxes
bandied about the living rooms
and the dining rooms
of how to recreate
this happy mayhem.

Actually, all that is needed

is a loving heart.