(A Pantoum for Arlo Alexander Patterson)
Hello Arlo, hello world you see;
Hello Arlo, hello world you see;
hello earth wind
and fire, hello air;
the summer
solstice beckoned your way--
the strawberry
moon blessed your day
Hello earth wind
and fire, hello air,
changeling, adventurer be;
the strawberry
moon blessed your path,
father of
earth, son of the sea.
changeling, adventurer be
the thunderbolt
and wounded healer he,
father of earth,
son of the sea,
rest now, then wake, discover this hour
Be wounded healer
and thunderbolt power
the strawberry
moon blessed your birthday--
rest now, then wake, discovery this hour.
Hello Arlo, hello
world you see.
(so far,
everything except Gemini)