Every independent action takes effort;
even a walk in the park takes initiative --
seems harmless enough, even restorative --
leaves & trees & filtered sunlight,
the smell of earthiness, ever so slight;
snippets of bright water sparkle below
my gaited steps alight a crooked path
and then, the lightening strike
of the piercing pain of the snake bite
Now the real courage begins.
close to life – it is visible ahead --
yet surrounded by bewildering acres of wilderness
one thought in repetition – take action
no need to restore, no need to plan,
no need to drift, no need to notice
climb the hill, call the number, stay alert.
I didn’t know the snake bite would
rob me of all the courage
I had stored in a precious little box
in my soul.
I didn’t know the snakebite would
break my heart into little droplets
of dissolved whimpers.
I didn’t know the snake bite would
fill the core of my being with poison.
I didn’t know the physical challenge
would be nothing compared to
marshaling my life back into existence.
November 27, 2019