Friday, July 22, 2022

The book

It’s tiny, the book, about an inch square

and you made it with your tiny 

four-year-old hands.


So engrossed 

and confident 

and pleased with yourself.


It had a story and pictures.

You just smile 

sort of remembering.


You‘ve seen it,

but perhaps you do not 

remember making it.


That’s all I remember --

You – making it

I … still have it.



Poetry Workshop Jen Siraganian

Monday, June 27, 2022




I cannot tell you how magnificent

a small hand reaching up to you --

a small hand saying come with me -- is.

It just is… so wonderful. 


Did you know that, when Isla says 

Daizee or Paw Pawtwol, it’s music?

Well, it is…

It might as well be an angel singing.

Lake Tahoe

Feb 26, 2022

Carrying Duplos upstairs in South Lake Tahoe


My hand, one side and his hand, other side 

we lift the box together up the stairs;

one step, then the box, one step, then the box

I say, we should use magic or the lightsaber

to carry this box.

He says, no, we can do this… 

magic is for when we can’t do something.


I say, I need to write this down. You are so smart.

Love this kiddo.

Lake Tahoe

Feb 26, 2022

Trips to Goodwill


I traded in my life

It was like scheduling 

a knee replacement.

It had to be done

and what a difference!


I gave my it away, bit by bit

and box by box --

in possessions, collections

of stuff that called to me, 

or things that marked me. 


Each month I head off 

with something to drop off --

things to send off or write off.

If I buy a shirt, I give a sweater

without regret – I am practiced


I could not haul them around anymore --

these signatures of moments that are gone

and are not part of today;

I traded these myriad of things

for my life in the present.