upon graduation from the 40 Day Revolution
A Sonnet: My yoga mistress said to seek my path
My yoga mistress said to seek my path.
My path to happiness: what can it be?
I can’t see my path, since the aftermath.
3 years past, happiness could have found me.
We were on our path, driving towards the sun.
“The last of life for which the first was made,”
was next for us; but the plan was undone.
Instead, a naughty trick on us was played.
And so we hung upon the precipice
until he was gone and I was alone.
The path, you see, went with his exodus.
I was stunned, without a clue, on my own.
So, before our life together, I turned.
To find my own true path, I must relearn.
* * *
Mary Iyengar
Mary Iyengar, can I go for?
Mary Iyengar, you are a star.
Good, good, good, you all are good.
Is it true I really could?
Now, straighten the back and flip the hip
Reach, reach, reach; lengthen tip to tip;
left lower rib meets right outer thigh.
And I am thinking: oh my!
Mary Iyengar, can I go for?
Mary Iyengar, you are a star.
Left hand down and right hand rise—
Breathe, breathe, breathe; I am alive.
Thank you, thank you, Mary Iyengar.
* * *
Call and response
Call and response
Call and response:
we engage together:
in a partnership.
She asks, we give.
Her voice our guide
to the path within.
Surrounded by heat
attuned to the body,
we find the beat
Teacher and pupil;
back and forth;
give and take.
We breathe in and out.
Conducted, we strive--
all senses alive.
Suddenly, slowly
power surges up
from toe tip to crown.
Downward, then up--
inward, then out--
our hearts soar.
We follow her lead
as the light dims,
there is brightness within.
Our sensei calls to us
every Thursday night
and we respond in kind.
Seek. Stretch. Soar. A fine tribute to a wonderful yoga trinity.