day off
eyes squint open
what time is it?
get up
look out window
go to bathroom
feed the dog
put on Gap pj bottoms
and shoes
walk the dog
(scoop poop)
walk back to apt
unhook collar
hang up leash
check weather for the day on TV
if after 7:00, check in with Today Show
decide if hungry
if hungry, decide what to eat
(usually cereal with pecans and choc chips)
(sometimes with bananas)
if not hungry, check email and messages
check list for the day
decide if it is time to get dressed
if it is, get dressed
if not, start item on list
(usually pack things for errands and yoga)
attack messy desk or schoolwork
watch movie while working
(sometimes in office;
sometimes in living room;
sometimes in bedroom)
work progresses this way:
start with first item on the list
for instance: unpack box
sort into 3 piles:
trash, keep, give away
put trash things in trash
if trash is full, take to trash closet
shred paper in shredder
one page at a time
put keep things somewhere
(usually a variety of places around the apt
for instance: art to art supplies box,
books to bag for library
find bag
put by door
start a load of laundry
did I eat?
did I brush my teeth?
go back to list
pay a bill online
google search something interesting
check facebook or not
text “I love you” message to girls
get dressed
buckle up dog
grab bags for school, yoga and/or errands.
schlep to car
drive to yoga or school or errand
(does car need gas?)
check to do list
do an errand
(usually Wegs)
do another errand
go home
get mail
unhook collar
hang up leash
sort mail
(for instance: put ads in recycle bin
shred envelopes
put bills on desk
put People mag on table to take to mom)
if I did yoga, shower and change
move laundry to dryer or drying rack
pet dog
look at list
watch a lifetime movie
am I hungry?
is it 4:00
if 4:00, feed the dog
if not, pet dog and tell her to wait
walk dog
(scoop poop)
(pickup other trash in park if it will fit in bag)
go back to apt
check news on TV
look at list
see what is on USA or HGTV
write a poem
search for something interesting on yahoo
see what’s on TV
am I hungry?
if hungry, eat something
(usually cereal,
sometimes avocado dip and chips)
on Tuesday afternoons work at Benincasa
on Saturdays go see Tom and Mom
(sometimes yoga)
on Sundays go to church
(sometimes yoga)
change to pj’s
floss teeth
brush teeth
take vitamins, happy pill and sleeping pill
text girls “nighty night”
read until sleepy
start over
i can hear your voice in every word! :)