Friday, September 21, 2018

Waiting for Hurricane Florence

(a pantoum)

I opened the closet door
and the boxes fell into my arms -- before
landing on my chest and on down to the floor
spilling pencils, pens, paper, and more

needed things, useful things -- to store.                 
I opened the balcony door
and let the outside in,
the quiet of peaceful abandonment.

Inside being in order and by plan:
needed things, useful things -- what for?
Outside windy impulses span
time and I let the outside inside me roar:

needed things, useful things -- restore
landing on my chest and on down to the floor
to let the outside inside me for more,
I open the all the doors.


  1. Thanks for a creataive 'an insiders view'...hope you were not heavily impacted.....
