Monday, June 17, 2024

Exiting the pandemic

As far as I am aware, I never had COVID

although it’s ever-present like a haunting

perhaps using some of the air in my lungs.


I live in a bubble now -- is that how aging works? --

all your life you focus on work, family, and friends

making connections, and then they slowly evolve


into something unrecognizable, something untether-able.

Weightless in a space module is now how my life is spent

puttering and bouncing from here to there. 


I lost 2 years while ensconced away from humanity

meanwhile the old connections withered, so

I am much at sea, at a loss, even adrift at times


I was in pronounced denial, but am only weary now --

not for want of trying – to sustain the memories of the past, 

yet not live there, but where?


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