Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pine Mountain State Park
Pineville, KY
Honeymoon Falls Trail
The world is not with us

The world is not with us at work camp.
We know not of hurricanes and earthquakes.
We know how extension cords are connected to power.
We know how the work of our hands is connected to each other.

The world is not with us at work camp.
Here in the valley. We remember now the simpler things,
The thing contentment is made of, the shade tree,
a cool drink of water, eyes that twinkle.

It is easy for some to live at work camp forever.
Easy to live without the earthquakes of others,
the hurricanes of far, far away in other green valleys--
filled with shade and water and other twinkling eyes.

We can connect our souls at work camp, if we let them.
Will we let them?

Sunday, August 7, 2011


je suis un peu triste
je voudrais être avec

Living with asymmetrical symmetry--
different but interconnected;
paired but linked and locked.

je suis un peu triste  
je voudrais être avec

Joined but free, how can that be?
It’s like warrior 3; when someone touches
your outstretch fingertips, a split-second tether.

je suis un peu triste  
je voudrais être avec

It’s like lunch out with friends:  grouped
together, but separate beings;
we make Venn diagrams of personalities.

je suis un peu triste  
je voudrais être avec

Close yet apart, touching hearts
like Michelangelo’s Creation of Man--
a hair’s breath brush stroke between extended hands.

I am a little sad.
I would like to be with.

Being with, sharing bread, drinking wine,
holding hands, laughing laughs, so very fine:
etant avec, pas seul--
je suis content maintenant.