Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Good dream

(4 verses with 4 lines and 4 beats per line)

It’s been eight years
since I saw you
and was neither
sad nor broken.

You held my hand
I was consoled
it seemed normal
I was happy,

No hospital
bed in the bed
room and no look
of vacancy.

Now, when I sleep
I know I can
see you and be
at peace all night.

Monday, August 31, 2015

O Come, O Come Emanuel

Hush daughter, breath low and slow, low and slow.
Imagine a cross-section of a lake --
its surface at eye level smooth and blank
when nine pebbles (in a line) fall to the depths below.

Hush daughter, be still and silent as stone,
We may march into that cold lake of lost souls.
We will wade into the water of fears.
And white skin will soak up our blood, sweat, and tears.

Wake daughter, and run, and cry, run and cry
Nine bullets dragged their bodies through the veil.
Grab each one and become the tattered kite tail
as all fly above and pierce the sky.

Rise up daughter and blast into the light.
We shall overcome the tale of that sorry night.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The hair dryer and me

I love it here in my bed with my hair dryer:
a wind tunnel of warmth in my blanketed cave--
elbow aloft, tented for safety, a sleep slave,
curled in comfort, stilled in limbo, need I arise?

Many events wrought me here to this single bed:
riding horses, swimming across rivers, making
lists, being kissed, saying goodbye, “apron strings”;
taking care, doing my best, saying hello, “death”.

The day begun and yet is done, the bright sun fades.
I, at ease under my covers, a fetal knot --
These days of life for which the first were made are not
as enticing as they once were and now have frayed.

So stay! Lulled in sleep, snug as a bug in a rug,
cozy as it is, what I wouldn’t give for a hug.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Stalking gardeners

I woke up in sleep
I dozed driving to UPS
and saw myself return
2 cardboard boxes.
Then I drifted over to park
in the little triangle lot
and floated to Starbucks
where I ordered a tall skinny
caramel macchiato
with 2 raw sugars.
Then I imagined walking back
to where the boys were working
and working with them
for a couple of hours.

Then I woke up
and did it all.